Sunday, October 14, 2012

Looping and Spectrums 2nd Draft

Consider the Following:

Base 10 is an alphabet used to speak the language we call math. Base 2 (Binary) is also a popular alphabet for the language of math, and at this point I think it is more popular than Base 10 considering all the computers we use today.

So what if we had Base 1? That would be everything all at once, or every number represented by one. Base 1 is commonly seen as the tally mark system. In Base 1, the number 2 would be 11, the number 4 would be 1111, 7 would be 1111111 and so on. Basically, the number 1 can repeat itself to represent an infinite amount of numbers and therefore an infinite amount of scenarios. The concept of Infinity can be reduced to a repeating representation of the concept of One. Things that repeat can be said to form a loop. I think it's really interesting that the symbol for 0 is a loop (or circle) with no beginning or end. Zeros and Circles represent Infinity, and Infinity can be reduced to a looping of the concept of One.

Consider the electromagnetic spectrum. What if Gravity was a part of it, past radio waves, with a wavelength that is the length of the Universe. This would explain why gravity permeates the entire universe. I think dark matter, dark energy, cosmic background radiation, and the Higgs Field are all different terms for the same concept, the concept most commonly known as Gravity. (Sorry if my capitalization of words is random. I'm honestly not sure what words get to be capitalized in all this.) I think the old concept of ether that Newton thought a lot about would also be the same as the concept of Gravity.

Now consider the electromagnetic spectrum to be a loop, with the "gravity wave" connecting back around to the gamma rays. In other words, the wavelengths would get so long that they would basically become flat, and the wavelengths would get so short that they would basically become flat. Having Gravity be a wavelength shorter than gamma rays would help explain how the tiniest bits of matter are able to have gravity, and if the Higgs Boson is able to give matter its mass, then it is also able to give it gravity.

Consider that everything in the Universe is made of either matter, or energy. Matter is basically just a complex form of energy, and the two are interchangeable. (E=mc^2) So in that sense, everything in the Universe is energy. The four forces come into play at this point, but I'm not sure why forces are considered separate from energy; I think it might just have to do with the terms that are used to describe them. Conceptually, it seems like the same thing to me, or maybe we should just be saying everything in the Universe is either Force or Matter. Anyway, I don't really understand the Strong Force or the Weak Force, but from what I've researched, it seems that others do, so that is good. I have also read that they can be tied into the electromagnetic spectrum somehow, but again, I don't really understand this yet so I will just assume it's true for now. That just leaves Gravity, and if Gravity really is the link between the two ends of the electromagnetic spectrum, then it would mean that everything is made out of looping energy, and I think that would tie in well with String Theory.

All of this looping going on should be measurable in terms of waves, so I think that would mean everything in the Universe can be reduced to a description of it's frequency and amplitude.

We may need to consider a different language for math, where the symbol for zero represents the concept of 1, 0 and Infinity. Equal signs may not be necessary in this language because equality and balance is the same concept, and those can be tied into the concept of Infinity by saying "the Universe is Energy, Energy is a Loop, and Loops are Balanced. Also, the Universe is Infinite, therefore, Infinity is Balanced." In this new language, all other numbers represent increasing complexity, not increasing quantity. (This increasing complexity could probably tie in with amplitude, meaning the greater the amplitude, the greater the complexity.) Geometry comes into play at this point. A line is said to go off into Infinity in both directions, but that doesn't really make sense to me. It makes a lot more sense to think of it as eventually looping back around to itself. A metaphor for this is to picture a roll of masking tape. If you were to take a pencil and draw a line down the middle of the tape and loop it like that all the way around, you would have basically just drawn a circle. Now picture an ant crawling along that roll of tape, following the line. It would seem like the line was straight from the ants perspective. So the only difference between a straight line and a curved line would be your perspective. I think this emphasis on perspective ties right in to Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

So in order to prove if any of this looping stuff is actually true, we would need to look for evidence. I'm pretty sure the evidence has already been discovered, we just need to look at it in a different way. For example, there is said to be a frequency to the Universe, and that would make sense if the Universe is an infinity loop. Also, three-dimensionally, these loops would look like spheres, and it seems like everything in the Universe is either a sphere or at least made of spheres.

So I guess that is it. Consider the possibility that everything in the Universe can be simplified to or complexified to a looping spectrum.

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