Friday, October 12, 2012

Rational Explanation 1st Draft

Rational Explanation


Rationalized like a Logic Theorem

Let a=1
Let b=0
Let c=Infinity
Let a=b=c

The only way to prove it is to let it prove itself. That isn't very satisfying so let's try using shapes.

Consider the circle:
It represents infinity because it has no beginning or end, it is an infinite loop.
It represents 0 because it has no edges angles or vertices
It represents 1 because it is defined by it's single point in the center. (This statement is a bit tricky because the traditional definition says you also need to know the length of the radius, but the radius can be considered infinite because there are infinite circles radiating from any single point. In other words, the radius is a frame of reference used to describe any one circle.)

So circles show us that 1=0=Infinity

It might be helpful to consider shapes corresponding to numbers like so:

2=Line Segment

Also consider the Fibonacci sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 etc..->infinity

Doesn't it seem odd that it would start with two 1's? However, if 1=Infinity then it would form a loop.

I think this rationalizes the golden ratio and fractals also, but I'm not certain of that yet. I always thought Fibonacci, Golden Ratio and Fractals were the same concept but I just goggled them and it seems that maybe that isn't necessarily what others think.

Balance is tied into it because like the concepts of 1 0 and Infinity it seems impossible to define it without using itself in the definition. This is perhaps a more literary definition than a mathematical definition, but it's all the same right? The very nature of these concepts means you have to let them define themselves.

Concepts that can be defined by traditional methods require some kind of frame of reference to relate them to, which means you need to have at least 2 of something. (2 points define a line, a point and a radius define a circle) Having things reduced to 2 is when we start getting into the theory of relativity, because any 1 thing can be defined by relating it to any other thing. Binary thought says everything is either one thing or the other.

Now let's talk about 3! Instead of seeing 3 as representing the concept of 3 Dimensions, consider it as a representation of a spectrum. Spectrums have a beginning, an end, and everything in between. The everything in between represents infinity, which leads us back to the concept of infinity and one and zero.

Using this logic, the electromagnetic spectrum isn't a line, it is an infinite loop. This looping is measured using amplitude and frequency, which leads us into string theory. I think this also explains gravity. The wavelength of gravity is as long as the universe which loops back around to the wavelength of the gamma ray and just keeps going forever and ever.

Infinity is the same as one is the same as zero, and it holds itself in balance.

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