Friday, December 28, 2012

An Open Letter to Scientists and Mathematicians

Dear Scientists and Mathematicians,

My name is Aaron Jensen, and I think I have plausible Theory of Everything. I am an art teacher though, so I think more in terms of shape than in terms of mathematical formulas. Using shapes, I think I can explain my theory clearly, but I need some help connecting all the formulas to the shapes so the theory could actually be used to make predictions. I'm going to write this letter in two parts; the first will explain my thought process so you can see how I came to these ideas, and the second will explain my hypothesis and what I need help with to actually find mathematical evidence to support the theory.

I call it the Looping Spectrum Theory, and here is a summary:

Everything in the Universe is energy (Energy: the ability to make change.)
Energy can not be created or destroyed, so the whole Universe holds itself in balance. (In other words, the energy doesn't "come from" somewhere else, it "comes from" itself.)
When energy makes a change, it makes a vibration. This vibration makes a field. (Field: an area of effect of influence.)
Fields take the form of a Magnetosphere, or a Sphere/Cone. This is essentially the sphere version of the Tesseract.
The Magnetosphere Form is the basic form of the Universe, and is the building block of all things in in Universe. (Magnetosphere Picture)
Magnetosphere Forms can be measured mostly by the equations that describe circles and spheres, and I think Pi is the cosmological constant. (Triangles, and especially right triangles, are also very important for dealing with cones, and indirectly, cubes.)
I think it is possible to show that Electromagnetism, Gravity, and Matter are all part of the same spectrum, and this spectrum loops back around on itself to hold everything in balance. To show this, I think we could use the equations that describe circles to show the relationship between certain wavelengths of electromagnetism to certain energy levels in matter.

I hope something in here has caught your attention. It is hard to try and write a general theory on all of this because everyone uses different semantics, so if something sounds confusing just send me an email and we can try to reword things until it makes sense to both of us.

Part 1: My thought process that led me to these ideas.

I have been drawing my own super hero characters since second grade, and I always wanted to come up with an explanation for how their magic and powers worked. I also wanted to have all the different settings in my stories cross over, so it would be possible for all the good guys to team up one day for a big final showdown with evil. I began to do research on mythologies and science to read about how others explain the Universe, hoping it would give me some ideas for my own fictional Universe. I watch a lot of videos online featuring people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, and Michio Kaku, and I also love the layman's science shorts like Minute Physics and Vsauce. I read all kinds of layman's writing, too, from National Geographic to Wikipedia. Things started to really click for me when I began teaching art, and I started to link the observations used in art to the observations used in science. For example, I would tell students to try and break things down to their basic shapes instead of trying to draw something all at once. This lead me to thinking about what the most basic shape was, and I figured it had to be a circle, because it only has 1 point to define it, but it also contains an infinite amount of points in its circumference. Therefor, circles represented a singularity and infinity at the same time. Studying color theory was another huge tie in to science, and the fact that the visible spectrum of light could be made into a circle (with magenta connecting the two ends) made me wonder why the the whole electromagnetic spectrum wasn't ever shown to be a circle. I hypothesized that gravity would be the "magenta" of the whole spectrum, and be the bridge that links electromagnetism (spectrum of force/waves) to the periodic table of elements (spectrum of matter/particles). If you want to read more on the connections between science and art, I wrote a longer essay about it, and you can find that here: Artistic Explanation

Part 2: A Hypothesis that I can't test on my own.

I think there is already a lot of observed evidence out there that supports the Looping Spectrum Theory, but I think the one experiment that would verify it for sure would be to show the link between electromagnetic force and periodic table matter. I'm pretty sure using Pi as the cosmological constant can help here, and the similarity between E=mc2 and the equation for the area of a circle (A=TTr2) shouldn't be ignored. It makes sense to say a circle contains its area like mass contains its energy. Instead of thinking in terms of energy and mass equivalence, I think the equations could be used to show wave and particle equivalence. (aka force matter equivalence) I know there are some links between the two already, for example, the dense matter emits gamma waves, and hydrogen is tied into microwave radiation somehow (I'm not exactly sure how, but SETI uses the hydrogen line to send signals into space). I think this would imply that sub atomic particles would be tied to radio waves and elements on the periodic table heavier than hydrogen would start to have links to infrared, then visible, then ultraviolet and so on until it goes back to gamma. The elements that are too heavy to remain stable show the end of the spectrum of matter, when things loop back to the spectrum of force. I think once the links between force and matter are established and understood, it would be possible to apply force to matter to change it from one element to another in a predictable and controlled way, and it should also be possible to apply matter to force and generate electricity, or make advancements in the understanding of the photoelectric effect and how we could better harness the power of our sun.

Thank you for reading my letter. If anything in here sparked some interest in you, please contact me at I am hoping to hear from a variety of professionals, and I'm pretty sure I can relate Looping Spectrum Theory to all of the known mysteries of the Universe, and all current theories that try to explain it. (Such as string theory, the standard model, quantum mechanics and even life science and psychology.) I need help to verify these ideas, and if it seems like I'm just talking nonsense please send me a message so we can overlap our knowledge and like I said earlier, figure out something that makes sense to both of us.

Thank you,
~Aaron Jensen

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