Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Creation Myth, very rough 1st Draft.

Part 1, the structure of the Universe

There is only one Universe. Everything is part of the Universe, and the Universe is part of everything. There can not be more than one Universe, because then the word would lose its meaning. Other words can be used, such as Cosmos or God, but the meaning is still the same.

The Universe is made of one thing: energy, and energy is simply the ability to make a change. This energy follows one law, the law of cycles. The law of cycles states that there is no true beginning or end to anything, energy simply goes on and on until it loops back around on itself. With no beginning or end there is also no creation or destruction, however there certainly is a lot of change. When energy makes a change, it causes a vibration, and these vibrations make a change, which causes another vibration and so on.

Energy vibrations produce fields. Fields are an area of influence. Energy fields can be measured in two ways: waves and particles. Particles are spheres that are made by waves, and waves spheres made of particles. All the forces in the Universe act like a wave, and matter acts like particles.

The Universe has exactly three dimensions: height, width and depth. These dimensions are useful for describing the concept of space, however space is just that, a concept. The Universe is just fields interacting with each other and making change. These fields can be said to “take up space” or “exist on a plane of space” but these are just terms to describe certain parts of certain fields.

The Universe has a binary nature to it, also known as polarity. The energy fields in the Universe can be said to be either waves or particles, and these waves and particles can be said to be either positive or negative. When two opposites, such as positive and negative, are combined together, they form a singularity. A singularity is one thing; however it is also the two opposite things that made it. The singularity maintains its singular nature by looping back and forth between the opposites, balanced and equal. This looping back and forth is a vibration, which generates a field of its own, and so on.

Singularities exist whenever there is balance, and the Universe itself is a singularity. The singularity of the Universe manifests at its edges. The edges are at the very large, and at the very small.

Singularities act as barriers to energy that is unbalanced, and the singularity of the Universe is a barrier to all the energy inside it. It is not possible for energy to travel through the singularity of the Universe; however, energy can travel through all other singularities.

Fields can connect to each other, and they are held together by the singularities of their opposites attracting. These connected fields take of the appearance of a network when spread out, and a beam when focused.

(diagram of magnetic pole aimed at you, seems like a beam and a particle, diagram of magnetic pole perpendicular to you, seems like a wave and a network. Put the mobius band in the side view of a singularity. The tree view. The mobius flip will be in the trunk)

Fields of matter are attracted to each other by a field of energy known as gravity.

Gravity is the field generated from the vibration of matter and antimatter holding themselves in balance. The more matter, the stronger the field.

Outside energy can be introduced to matter in such a way that the matter changes its field into a different one. This happens when two fields combine into one, or one field splits into two. (chemical reaction)

When this process happens in its own contained cycle, it is called life.

Life causes a lot of change to happen very quickly. This change generates a field known as a consciousness. This consciousness is capable of basic thoughts known as instinct.(nervous system) Consciousness is a singularity and connects with other consciousnesses. (collective unconscious)   When a consciousness becomes aware of itself, it changes and is said to be intelligent life.

The energy field of intelligent life is capable of more complex thoughts known as imagination. These thoughts can make changes to fields. Intelligent life is the center of its own Universe, and that is known as reality. There is no such thing as time. The past, present, and future are just different realities.

When the energy field from the thought waves is able to make a change in particles, this is known as magic. With the right amount of energy, it is possible to cast any spell. Most life forms are limited to casting spells that make changes to the particles in their body. (like moving your limbs.)

When life is able to use thought waves to make changes to particles outside of its body it is known as a wizard, mage, sorcerer.

When a wizard has enough thought to maintain control over particles outside of its body,  it is known as a god. A god is able to maintain a creation equal to the amount of energy its thoughts can generate.

When thoughts generate enough energy to maintain all the energy of the Universe in a creation, it forms a singularity known as the Universe. (Also known as God)

Part 2, the tale of Regnum

Regnum is a realm of the Universe that began with a singularity, it was a perfect sphere, and in a state of complete balance. Then this sphere divided, and the first duality was born. It was know as order vs chaos. The balanced singularity was order, but now there was chaos. Divisions of energy forked out from the singularity in a chaotic lighting bolt in all directions. This lighting bolt gave rise to the next duality, light vs dark. Where there was a bolt of energy, there was light. The space in between was darkness. From light and dark came the next duality, Earth and sky. Sky is where the light would be and earth was where there was darkness. The earth took on the form of spinning singularities know as atoms, which formed molecules which eventually formed singularities called stars and planets. These stars were sources of light, and they sat in the skies of earthen planets. The atoms on the earthen planet absorbed energy from the light of its star, and began to combine in a new way. This created the duality of organic and inorganic (geometric) molecules. The organic molecules could form electrical systems in them known as nervous system. This gave rise to life, and therefore the duality of life and death. Life continued to expand, and the nervous systems expanded with them. Eventually the electrical field generated by the nervous system was powerful enough to form a consciousness, which gave birth to the duality of conscious and unconscious. As consciousness developed, it became aware of itself. This was known as intelligent life, and gave birth to the duality of instinct and imagination.

It is at this duality of instinct and imagination that we find a life form known as humans.
They live on a planet named Terra, which orbits a star named Sol. The humans became self aware when their imaginations where born. Simple expressions of their imaginations came about, such as painting in their caves, and stories, myths explaining how their world worked, featuring gods and heroes capable of amazing feats. This was known as magic, and from it came religion. The humans began to tinker directly with the world they lived in, and discovered some patterns in how Regnum worked. This was known as science, and from it came technology. Humans continued to tell their stories, and the inspirations of their imaginations led them to develop better understanding of Regnum and therefore developed better technologies. With each technological advancement, a new age dawned on humanity. Stone age, Iron age, and then, the Industrial age. The industrial age was a time of amazing advancement for humans. A technology known as electricity was discovered, and with it came humanities first steps toward uniting the magic of their religions with the science of their technology. The age of electricity shortly gave rise to an even more amazing understanding of Regnum, and this was the Nuclear Age.

The nuclear age was the dawning of a dramatic singularity for humanity. The magic of religion and the technology of science where getting harder to separate. This led to a time of un paralleled understandings and happiness, but also unrivaled conflict and suffering. This time was known by many names in the religious stories, such as Armageddon, Ragnorak, Age of Aquarius, or quite simply, the end of the world. Even the newest mythologies in humanity predicted it. These new mythologies came in the form of stories from the imagination, but instead of calling them religions, they were known as fiction. They too had predicted the end of the world, and expressed it with stories of strife, anger, revolution and apocalypses. Especially zombie apocalypses. This new age dawned when the first nuclear bomb was dropped on a human city to end the second world war. The first world war was started because humans wanted to test out the new weapons made by the industrial age, and the second world war was put to an end by testing out a new weapon made by the nuclear age. At this point, humanity, as a whole, started to become self aware. They started to see how small their world was, and how easily it could be destroyed by the new power it wielded. Individual humans began to branch out and make connections further from home. Travel technologies made this possible, and before long, thoughts themselves were traveling far from home through a new electrical network known as the internet. War and suffering still raged, and it became obvious that the nuclear bomb didn’t actually end the Second World War; it just turned it into thousands of little conflicts instead of one big one. Humans were fighting over resources, and power was in the hands of the people who controlled the most important resource, known as money. They also fought over ideas, and these ideas divided people into dangerous binaries like Us vs Them, and Right vs Wrong, Smart vs Stupid. Humanity came to a tipping point. Balance was shifting between binaries at such a speed that if they came unbalanced, the global civilization would spin out of control and topple over. However, if balance could be maintained, a new singularity in human consciousness would be born, and humans would begin to wield the powers of the gods and heroes in their myths.

The balance began to shift in the direction of peace when individual humans began to recognize the science of their imaginations. It was possible to measure thoughts by the electrical fields they generated. This had the effect of causing a profound realization in any human who understood it. They began to realize their own consciousness was a singularity, and therefore, their imagination was reality. Thoughts were responsible for the reality of emotions, and thoughts could be adjusted to create new realities. With this new ability to use imagination to control their own emotions, humans began to stop fearing, and start understanding. When understanding overpowered fear, happiness overpowered suffering and this lead to even more happiness which lead to even more understanding. These new understandings changed the human consciousness into something more closely related to the wisdom of the gods of mythology. Technologies from these new understandings were indistinguishable from magic, and the fabric of reality was now shaped by what an imagination chose out of understanding, and not what it believed out of fear. An imagination of sufficient power was even able to shape reality in such a way that it affected, or was noticed by, other imaginations. These reality shaping abilities where the official dawn of magic in the world.

As humanity developed their minds and bodies to accommodate these new abilities and understandings, their consciousnesses became powerful enough to maintain a created reality on its own. This was very similar to the age of inspiration, where humans could catch glimpses of other realities and told stories about them in the form of paintings, writing, movies and video games. The difference was, now instead of glimpses, these were more like journeys, directly into those realities. This was called dreaming before, when the consciousness wasn’t powerful enough to control it. With control came the ability to leave Regnum, and travel to realities where anything was possible. Mythology became real, and actual realities could be guided by human consciousness, as if the human was a god.

Eventually, all of these new possibilities were experienced by all the human consciousnesses. As the new experiences taught everyone the same lessons, human souls began to overlap and merge. These souls were now powerful enough to command different realities, and therefore realities began to overlap as well. Soon all of these realties merged into one, and this singularity was just the same as the one this story began with, and Regnum was born again.

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